Your time is valuable. Let CATIC take on those unprofitable post-closing tasks for you so you can issue final policies and close out your files without delay. We will recover the relevant information and even provide discharge tracking – all through your PrepExpress® account, third-party policy software, or CATIC’s very own update ordering software TOPS.
The Service:
After closing, place your post-closing update order and CATIC will assign an experienced title searcher to obtain final recording information and conduct a title update from your policy commitment date. Within 45 days of your order date, the post-closing search will be completed, and you will receive an email notification entitled “Search Order Complete”. From there, you can head to PrepExpress®, your preferred policy preparation software, or TOPS where your update will be waiting for you! As an added convenience, your update results will also be contained in your “Search Order Complete” email.
How to Start:
Contact Katie Caron or Lau Almeida and they will walk you through your first order and get you started!
Ordering is easy! Order directly from your open file in your integrated software and the transaction details and Requirements will automatically populate with the click of a button. Or utilize TOPS easy-to-use dashboard to place your order directly – all with ease! You can order a Post-Closing Title Update only or add any number of Discharge tracking orders along with your Post-Closing Title Update order.
To place a Discharge tracking order, for all Mortgages, you must include 1.) a copy of the payoff; 2.) an authorization letter – here. Without these two documents upfront, the Discharge service cannot be utilized.
Our experienced searchers will report back to your office through TOPS and provide you all the final recording information and any discovered title issues, either with the recorded documents, or recordings found in the “gap” period. The update report comes as a separate instrument with your PrepExpress® or other policy preparation software policy file and directly in TOPS. The update results will also be included in your “Search Order Complete” email.
If you have any underwriting questions from the results of your update, reach out Liz Smith or Steve Ducham for help.
Fees and Payment:
Post-Closing Title Update Only:
Post-Closing Title Update and One Discharge:
Post-Closing Title Update and Two Discharges:
Post-Closing Title Update and Three or More Discharges:
Your TOPS Order will automatically generate on your Transmittal form and payment can be submitted with your Final Policy/ies OR payment can be remitted with your TOPS Invoice located with your Update Report in your preferred software system.